The last broadcast of Issue Nauleau Sophie, "it rhymes with what" paid homage on Saturday to Pierre Reverdy. It is downloadable for a week at France Culture (see "what's the point). On this occasion was presented the first volume of the Complete Works Reverdy published by Flammarion. The poet is not unknown but this The new edition will no doubt now that he deserves. Etienne-Alain Hubert, the guest Nolleau Sophie, starts out by saying something simple: "we do not really know first Reverdy. Then began a too rapid half-hour of fun where we depicted the man that Reverdy, passionate and uncompromising, he speaks of the poet and his requirement. The show ends with a conversation between Reverdy and Robert Mallet for the show "Belles Lettres", dating from 1956. During this interview, you will have the pleasure of hearing the voice of Reverdy, his accent and his way of rolling the "r", you will hear and read his writings about poetry with much love and lucidity
"image for a poet is the easiest thing"
"we do not have a picture with the will, and you make a poem, with the will."
Read: Note on Antoine Emaz Poezibao. C3% A9-de-reverdy-by-antoine emaz.html-
Recommended listening: The show "that What rhymes with "
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